Warning Signs That It’s Time To Visit a Cardiologist


Warning Signs That It’s Time To Visit a Cardiologist

For the proper functioning of a human body, the regular supply of blood and oxygen is of paramount importance, and because of this, the heart is the most important player in the whole picture. However, there may be some warning signs that your heart is not working at its best.

Below are some of the main signs that it is time to visit a cardiologist:

  • If you experience chest pain: At the time of a heart attack, the first and foremost sign that you have as your initial symptom is chest pain, due to the fact that the heart is located just behind a being’s chest. human. There are a number of reasons for chest pain, however the main reason is when your heart is not getting enough blood to circulate, possibly due to a blocked artery or valve.
  • If you have high blood pressure: The force with which the blood pushes against the arterial wall, commonly known as blood pressure, must be optimal for the smooth flow of both blood and oxygen. If blood pressure rises sharply, the heart may not be able to regulate its pumping action, which could lead to a heart attack.
  • If you have shortness of breath or dizziness: While there are many reasons behind dizziness and it is a common phenomenon among humans, shortness of breath is not a common thing. If either of these, shortness of breath or dizziness, occurs in severe amounts, it indicates that the heart is not circulating the optimal amount of oxygen, resulting in an abnormal heartbeat.
  • If you have diabetes: Although the main cause of the onset of diabetes is a lack of insulin in the body, which causes low blood sugar, this particular disease also affects the proper functioning of the heart. If blood sugar levels are not optimal, the functioning of the blood vessels is affected, which can lead to coronary disease.
  • If you are a constant smoker: There is a strong reason behind your daily pack of cigarettes bearing the phrase “smoking is bad for your health”. Regular smoking affects the function of the lungs, which in turn limits the flow of oxygen to the blood. Over time, this disrupts the heart’s blood-pumping function and can gradually become one of the main causes of high blood pressure.
  • If you have high cholesterol in your body: The main sources of cholesterol are the food you eat and waste products from your liver. If there is a sudden increase in cholesterol levels in the body, mainly due to irregular or unhealthy eating habits, it can lead to plaque buildup in the arteries, leading to blockage and eventually even the flow of blood from the heart.
  • If you have Chronic Kidney Disease: After your heart, your kidneys are the main sources of organs that can lead to possible heart failure, as the main root cause of diabetes mentioned above lies in the malfunctioning of the kidneys. Improper kidney function can lead to increased blood pressure and sugar levels, which can lead to heart failure over time, if not suddenly.
  • If you have a family history of heart disease, genetics play an important role in a healthy human being. If members of a person’s older generation have had a history of heart disease, mainly those who are elderly, there is a strong possibility of transferring their genes to their successor, i.e. the affected person.
  • If you have peripheral heart disease: In addition to the main disease directly related to your heart, if you have other peripheral disorders connected through other arteries, such as arteries in the legs or arms, and constantly experience aches and pains in those connected parts of your body, you are likely to have coronary heart disease.
  • If you have an inactive lifestyle: If you are someone who has avoided words like “exercise” or “training” in your life and you lead a somewhat inactive lifestyle, it can lead to weak heart function in the long run. Regular physical activities on a daily basis, including exercise regimen, result in proper and regular functioning of the heart and blood flow.

In all of the above circumstances, if it can be linked to a particular cause, proper consultation and advice from an experienced cardiologist will give good long-term results in avoiding heart disease.

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