
Frequently Asked Questions

Medical tourism is simply the process of travelling abroad to a specific destination to avail of certain medical procedures. You get an opportunity to seek top quality procedures, where you can recover in anonymity and luxury at more affordable rates.
Accommodation, doctor's appointment and hospital stay, medical procedure, travel reservations, trip itinerary and much more.
The Clinical outcomes are at par with the world's best centers, having internationally qualified and experienced doctors. Costs of medical procedures in India are very low compared to anywhere else in the world. This cost differential gives you the opportunity to have a vacation in an exotic country. Furthermore, there is no waiting time for any surgical procedure.
Ushta Medicare will arrange for you a comprehensive healthcare package, including your travel and stay arrangements in India. You will be in the hospital until you are mobile, post surgery. Your hospital stay may vary depending upon the treatment you undergo. While in Hospital,the nursing staff will take good care of you. Post Treatment, Ushta Medicare can arrange for a package which will help you in recuperating.
India has a vast reservoir of skilled doctors. Many of them have proved their mettle in the US and UK,and returned to India to work in hospitals here. The caliber of other doctors practicing in India is also of a very high order. We will provide you with resumes and facilitate phone conversations if required. If you are still not comfortable, we will work to provide you with the information about the doctors that is important to you.
Your travel plans will be entirely dictated by the surgical procedure you select. Once you select a procedure and destination, we inform you about the recommended recuperation time required before return travel.
You could email us all your symptoms and investigations done so far and also the diagnosis made by your local Physician. Our panel of specialist doctors will scrutinize your symptoms and reports, and email back to you their diagnosis and guidance. If the feedback suggests a surgical treatment, you could send us all the clinical details and we will e mail you the details of the surgery,duration of stay and cost of the whole exercise.
You will be in the hospital until you are mobile and on your own. Your hospital stay may vary depending on the surgical treatment you undergo. While in Hospital, the attendants will take good care of you.
It is very simple. Just get in touch with us.
We protect all your medical information with utmost confidentiality.
Due to favourable exchange rates, foreign clients have an advantage, and can expect savings of upto 65% over the same treatment in their own countries, with no compromise on treatment.